Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Theoretical questions (Faculty of Philology 5th year)

1.  General Notes on Style and Stylistics
2.   Classification of Functional Styles in English. Give the Definition of a Functional Style.
3.   The Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary (outline). Neutral, Literary and Colloquial Vocabulary.
4.     Special Literary Vocabulary
5.     Special Colloquial Vocabulary.
6.     Lexical EMs and SDs: Metaphor, Metonymy, Irony.
7.     Lexical EMs and SDs: Zeugma, Pun, Antonomasia
8.     .Lexical EMs and SDs: Simile, Periphrasis, Hyperbole.
9.     Lexical EMs and SDs: Epithet, Oxymoron.
10.  Syntactical EMs and SDs: Asyndeton, Polysyndeton, Epiphora, Anaphora, Anadiplosis.
11.  Syntactical EMs and SDs: Stylistic Inversion, Detached Constructions, Parallel Constructions, Chiasmus.